Center on Peace & Liberty.
LibertyTree: Review and Catalog.
The web site for Liberty magazine, the leading monthly libertarian
(classical liberal, or individualist) review of thought, culture and
Encyclopedic resource from Vacher Dod has political links,
biographies of MPs and peers plus a complete guide to
committees, bills and procedures
F R E E - M A R K E T . N E T is the world's most comprehensive source
for information on liberty.
The Adam Smith Institute
"The Adam Smith Institute is a free
market think-tank, named after the
Scottish economist Adam Smith, whose
book The Wealth of Nations identified
the importance of free markets, fair
competition and limited government."
Centre for European Reform
Established in 1996, the Centre for European Reform is an
independent think-tank "which aims to promote new ideas and
policies for reforming the European Union" within the wider belief
that Britain "should be deeply involved - economically, politically
and culturally - in Europe."
"Politeia, a forum for social and economic thinking, opened in
November 1995 as a focus for thinking on social and economic
policy. Its aim is to encourage reflection, discussion and debate
about the place of the state in the daily lives of men and women
across the range of issues which affect them, from employment
and tax to education, health and pensions."
The Social Affairs Unit.
"The SAU is famous for driving its coach and horses through the
liberal consensus scattering intellectual picket lines as it goes and
for raising questions which strike most people of the time as too
dangerous." -The Times
Atlantic Institute for Market Studies
Independent economic and social policy think-tank. It sponsors
research of the highest standards of objectivity and
comprehensiveness, to determine whether and to what extent
market-based solutions can be successfully applied to the social
and economic problems facing Atlantic Canada.
Atlas Economic Research Foundation
Helps to create and develop independent public policy research
organizations internationally by providing advice, financial support
and access to a network of leaders who share a commitment to
achieving a free society.
Cascade Policy Institute
Oregon's Free Market Think Tank. Public policy issues from a
limited government, free market perspective.
Cato Institute
Promotes public policy based on limited government, free
markets, individual liberty and peace.
The Evergreen Freedom Foundation
The Evergreen Freedom Foundation is a state-based public
policy think tank located in Olympia, Washington. Much of their
work concerns research on public policy issues such as taxes,
transportation, education, health care and welfare.
Heritage Foundation
Created to spread ideas of free enterprise, limited government,
individual freedom.
Hoover Institution
Centre for advanced study in domestic and international affairs.
Founded by President Herbert Hoover in 1919, it contains one
of the largest private archives and most complete libraries on
economic, political, and social change in the twentieth century.
The Institute of Economic Affairs
The leading economic think-tank in the UK. Famous for leading
the attack on the conventional economic wisdoms of post-war
British governments.
Institute for Humane Studies
Independent centre promoting advanced study of liberty across a
broad range of academic and professional disciplines.
The Jefferson School
The Jefferson School of Philsophy, Economics and Psychology.
"The Intellectual Voice of Capitalism on the Internet".
'm a libertarian. I think a lot of people are libertarians
and are afraid to admit it -- or don't know.
Kurt Russell
Libertarian Celebrities and VIPs
What do Kurt Russell and Clint Eastwood think about
Libertarianism?. Find out here.
Ludwig Von Mises Institute
Propagates the views of the great Austrian economist on freedom
and the market.
National Center for Policy Analysis
Primary goal is to develop and promote private alternatives to
government regulation and control, it aims to solve problems by
relying on the strengths of a competitive, entrepreneurial private
Pacific Research Institute
Strives to foster a better understanding of the principles of free
society among leaders in government, academia, media and
business community.
Pioneer Institute
'Pioneer is a non-partisan think tank dedicated to challenging
conventional wisdom by looking for more innovative solutions to
public policy problems. Underlying all of its work is the belief that
individual freedom and responsibility, limited and accountable to
government, and the expanded application of free market
principles contribute to greater human dignity, happiness, and
economic prosperity.'
UK Web Directory reviews and rates all sites.
Reason Foundation
National public-policy research organization with a practical,
market based approach and an outside-Washington perspective. "The most powerful ideas come from outside Washington".
Publishes Reason magazine.
Centre for Independent Studies
The leading independent public policy research institute in
Australia and New Zealand committed to individual liberty and
The Institute for Economic Freedom
"The Institute for Economic Freedom (IEF) is an independent
non-political non-profit organization that promotes economic
growth, employment and entrepreneurial activity in The Bahamas" through, amongst other things, a market economy, rule of law and
the right of private property. is an award-winning site
which aims to explode the "junk-science"
myths which are so often used "to further a
special agenda".
Laissez-Faire Books
'Laissez-Faire Books is a division of the Center for Independent
Thought, a non-profit educational foundation. It offers 'the
world's largest selection of books and tapes on liberty'.
The Media Trust
The Media Trust is a charity which works in partnership with the
media industry to meet the communications needs of the
voluntary sector.
The Thomas S. Szasz Cybercenter for Liberty and Responsibility
The purpose of this site is to advance the debate about Thomas
S. Szasz's basic ideas and their practical implications
The Independent Institute:
Today, the influence of partisan interests is so pervasive that public policy debate has become too politicised and is largely confined to a narrow reconsideration of existing policies. In order to fully understand the nature of public issues and possible solutions, the Institute's program adheres to the highest standards of independent scholarly inquiry.
A project of The Independent Institute’s Center on Peace & Liberty, provides researchers and the general public with a one-stop, selective, bibliographic compendium of both scholarly and popular works and commentary on the domestic and international ill-effects of national “crises,” including preventative, interventionist wars around the world to create a U.S. empire.
The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy:
Journal of the Independent Institute.