ESCAPE FROM LEVIATHAN: Liberty, Welfare and
Anarchy Reconciled

The Groundbreaking New Book from LA Member Dr J.
C. Lester
Lester has written an outstanding book…with the
consummate skill of an expert in the field...his critique of
democracy was a heady, almost intoxicating refutation…Lester
shows considerable originality...is able to use the concepts &
intellectual weaponry of libertarianism as effectively as the
giants of the subject—Rothbard, David Friedman & the early
Nozick included...In a short review article it is impossible to do
justice to Lester's remarkable book.
Professor Norman Barry, University of Buckingham.
Escape from Leviathan is a notably ambitious reconstruction
of radical libertarian thinking from the ground up. Even those,
like myself, who are unpersuaded by its reformulation of
classical liberalism will benefit from reading Lester's book.
John Gray, Professor of European Thought, London School
of Economics and Political Science, University of London.
Escape from Leviathan develops a sustained and at times
fresh and surprising argument for its compatibilist conclusions. It
constitutes a formidable intellectual challenge to the social
democratic establishment in political theory.
Antony Flew, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, University
of Reading.
Lester argues that utility is compatible with liberty,
understood in its classically 'negative' sense. In the process, he
has written a remarkable book, informed by a masterly
knowledge of economics and filled with careful analytical detail.
Jan Narveson, Professor of Philosophy, University of
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
Escape From Leviathan can be obtained from Macmillan
Press Ltd from June 2000. £40 HB. Alternatively, order
from Laissez-Faire Books for $30 (Simply click on the
Icon on the first page of this Website to reach
Laissez-Faire Books).
Read Extracts.
Replies to reviews of EFL " Richard Garner & Reply
Reply to Julius Blumfeld
Reply to Gordon-Modugno
Reply to Machan
Reply to Otteson
Reply to Barry
Reply to Meckled-Garcia
Reply to Cohen
Reply to Brooks
1. Reply 2. Escape from Lester - Thom Brooks replies 3. Brooks's Escape from Philosophy: A rejoinder to Escape from Lester: A Reply from a so-called Philistine'
Reply to Ellin
Reply to Hayes
Replies to Swan
© Libertarian Alliance 2006

"A formidable
intellectual challenge
to the social
establishment in
political theory"-
Antony Flew


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