Meetings archive 5 We normally meet on the second Monday of the month at 7pm but note that this month it is at a new place viz. The Institute of Education, off Russell Square - student bar, Room S16, Thornhaugh Street , London , WC1B 5EA All are welcome, admission free. So do come along. DAVID McDONAGH Join our Libertarian Meetup List
David McDonagh "Money and Anarchy" from LibertarianAlliance on Vimeo.
Christian Michel "Citizens without the State" from LibertarianAlliance on Vimeo.
Stephen Berry on "The idea of Human Capital" from LibertarianAlliance on Vimeo.
Bob Layson "The possibility of stimulating the economy" from LibertarianAlliance on Vimeo.
Barry MacLeod-Cullinane "The Political Economy of Welfare Reform" from LibertarianAlliance on Vimeo.
Stephen Davis on "The Age of Realignment" from LibertarianAlliance on Vimeo.
Kristian Niemietz on "Spirit Level Egalitarianism, Happiness Economics, Steady State Economics: The crusade against prosperity" from LibertarianAlliance on Vimeo.
David McDonagh on "Libertarianism and Nationalism" from LibertarianAlliance on Vimeo.
Brian Micklethwait on "Architecture and Libertarianism" from LibertarianAlliance on Vimeo.
Bob Layson on “The impossibility of free market mass unemployment" from LibertarianAlliance on Vimeo.
Mark Littlewood on "Libertarianism's Challenges, Opportunities and Threats in the Coalition Era" from LibertarianAlliance on Vimeo.
Anthony J. Evans on "A Proposal for Sound Money" from LibertarianAlliance on Vimeo.
Detlev Schlichter on "Paper Money Collapse - The Folly of Elastic Money and the Coming Monetary Breakdown" from LibertarianAlliance on Vimeo
Tim Evans on "Thoughts on the UK's Libertarian Movement" from LibertarianAlliance on Vimeo. Derrick Silver on "Global Warming" from LibertarianAlliance on Vimeo. On Monday 14 April, 2008, Sean Gabb gave a talk on "Islam: Our Enemy?"
Past Meetings with Podcasts Podcasts from now are on Mixcloud, please click link to go to the online player. For older podcasts - windows vista users - please right click link and "save as"
On Monday 9 July, Jan Lester spoke on:
On Monday 11 June, Thomas H. Burroughes spoke on: "How should libertarians think about intellectual property".
On Monday 14 May, Andrew McGinn spoke on "Reactionary Libertarianism"
On Monday 16th April J C Lester spoke on "Vallentyne and Zwolinski on 'Libertarianism': Some Philosophical Responses to Their Encyclopaedia Entries."
On Monday 12 March Bob Layson spoke on
On Monday 13 February Sean Gabb spoke on “What is class?”.
On Monday 9 January Antoine Clarke spoke on “Emigration: how I found freedom in an ‘unfree’ France. . On Monday 12 December Tim Evans gave a talk on “The work of The Cobden Centre” . On Monday 14 November, Eamonn Butler gave a talk "Milton Friedman: libertarian or statist?" .
On Monday 10 October, David McDonagh gave a talk "Money and Anarchy". . On Monday 12 September, Christian Michel gave a talk on 'Citizens without the state' . On Monday 8 August, Stephen Berry gave a talk on "the idea of Human Capital" . On Monday 11 July, Bob Layson gave a talk on " the possibility of stimulating the economy" . On Monday 13 June, Barry MacLeod-Cullinane gave a talk on "Personalisation, Vouchers & the Political Economy of Welfare Reform - my experienzce of making Harrow Council one of Britain's leading boroughs for extending choice and control over social care"
On Monday, 9 May Stephen Davis talked on "An Age of Realignment?"
On Monday 11 April, Kristian Niemietz talked on "Spirit Level Egalitarianism, Happiness Economics, Steady State Economics: The crusade against prosperity"
On Monday, 14 March, David McDonagh talked on "Liberalism and Nationalism."
On Monday, 14 February Brian Mickletwaith talked on “Architecture.”
On Monday, 10 January Bob Layson talked on
On Monday, 13 December Mark Littlewood talked on
”On Monday, 8 November Anthony J. Evans presented "A Proposal for Sound Money"
On Monday, 11th October, Detlev Schlichter spoke on
On Monday, 13 September Tim Evans spoke on
On Monday, 9 August Derrick Silver spoke on Global Warming." Below is the link to both an audio and video file. Audio file is:
On Monday, 12 July Jock Coates talked on “Mutualism”.
On Monday, 14 June Christian Michel talked on “Our Northwest Passage, How to go from here to a free society”
On Monday, 12 April, Madsen Pirie spoke on "Libertarianism - the Philosophy of the Future." Libertarianism - the Philosophy of the Future
On Monday, 8 March Bob Layson spoke on
On Monday, 15 February David McDonagh gave the second part of his talk on
On Monday 11 January 2010 Antoine Clarke talked on “The Wisdom of Crowds”. Discussion: Discussion of the Wisdom of Crowds
On Monday 14 December, Kristian Niemietz talked on “20 Years After: The Fall and Rise of Socialism in East Germany”
On Monday, 9 November David McDonagh gave a talk on
On Monday, 12 October, Robert Layson gave a talk on
On Monday, 14 September, Richard Wellings gave a talk on
On Monday, 10 August, Stephen Berry gave a talk on
On Monday, 8 June, 2009 Christian Michel gave a talk on
On 11 May 2009 David McDonagh gave a talk on
On Monday 9 March, 2009: Bob Layson spoke on
On Monday 10 November, 2008, James Alexander gave a talk on the
On Monday 8 September, 2008, David McDonagh gave a talk on
On Monday 11 August, 2008, Ray Percival gave
On Monday 7 July, 2008, Jan Narveson talked on
On Monday 9 June, 2008 Bob Layson gave a talk on
On Monday 12th May, 2008 Phil Anderson gave a talk entitled
On Monday 10th March, 2008, David Goldstone gave a talk on
Monday 11th February, 2008 Terry Arthur on his new book:
Jan Lester "Real law versus arbitrary state commands posing as law."
David Dunstan "Global warming, scam, fact, post-diction or prediction?"
David McDonagh "Political Correctness and totalitarianism.
On Monday 12th February, 2007, Bob Layson gave
On Monday 8th January, 2007, Paul Coulam gave a talk on "The Importance of Ideology".
On Monday 11th December, 2006, Stephen Berry gave
On Monday 13th November, 2006, John Laughland gave a talk on "The Trial of Slobodan Milosevic and the corruption of International Law"
On Monday 9th October, 2006, Robert Layson gave a talk on "What happened to nineteenth century liberalism?"
On Monday 4th September, 2006, David McDonagh gave a talk on "Keith Evens on Drugs" .
On Monday 31 July 2006, Don Riley gave a talk on the nineteenth century author on popular economics and advocate of a single land tax, Henry George.
On Monday 26 June 2006, Elaine Sternberg gave a talk
On Monday 22 May, 2006, Paul Coulam gave
On Monday 24 April, 2006, Richard Wellings gave
On Monday 27 March, 2006, Jan Lester gave a
Monday 27 February, 2006, Gene Callahan gave a
Monday 30 January, 2006, Bob Layson gave a
Monday 28 November, 2005, Jan Clifford Lester
Monday October 31, 2005, Joe Plowright talked on
Monday, 26th September David McDonagh gave a talk on the topic of the ideas of the late Lord Peter Tomas Bauer.
Monday 29 August Terry Arthur gave talk on the topic of Pensions.
Monday 25 July Bob Layson gave a talk on "The myth of Mental Illness."
Tuesday 22 February 2005 .Bob Layson talked on "Keynes & Kuhn:paradigms & changing times".
Monday 17 January 2005 David McDonagh talked on "Is classical liberalism just another ideology?"
Monday 6 December 2004 Gene Callahan talked on "The economic calculation argument against socialism/ communism."
Monday 1 November 2004 Barry MacLeod-Cullinane gave a talk entitled "ID Cards: Passports to Tyranny?"
Wednesday 13 October - Terry Arthur gave a talk entitled
Wednesday 15 September - David McDonagh gave a talk
Wednesday 11th August 2004 David McDonagh gave a talk entitled "
Monday 5 July 2004 Bob Layson gave a talk entitled "Mises Without Embarrassment."
Monday, 7 June 2004 Professor David Dunstan gave a talk critical of liberalism entitled "The Real Outcomes of Free-Market Economics" Transcript of this talk:
Monday, 5 April 2004 Don Riley talked on "A Trip Through Land Values."
Monday, 2 February 2004 Stephen Berry talked on "Education without the State". Transcript of this talk:
Monday, 5 January 2004 David Goldstone talked on
Monday, 1 December 2003 Michael Mosbacher talked on
Monday 3 November 2003 Paul Coulam talked on
Monday 6 October 2003 Robert Layson talked on Say's Law of Markets.
Monday 8 Sept 2003 Paul Coulam talked on Paleo-libertarianism: The Contested Legacy of Murray Rothbard.
Monday 4 August 2003 David McDonagh talked on