
Human Action: A Treatise on Economics
Von Mises, Ludwig "A Libertarian Classic "
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Does Education Matter?
Myths about education and economic growth,
by Alison Wolf. 'A withering critique of governmental
and business attempts to support vocational
education ... in the name of the nation's economic progress'
- TES, 14th June 2002 Penguin Books, 2002, 332 pages.
List Price: £8.99 ISBN 0140286608
The Economics of Education: A book review
by Stephen Berry:- 'That someone who works within the
academic field of education should question the economic
value of education speaks for a certain courage. That
AlisonWolf should have done this in a book which is well
argued and entertainingly written is better still. This book is a
wake-up call to education policy makers the world over.'
The Costs of War: America's Pyrrhic
Victories Denson, John
Paperback 450 pages (November 1998) Publisher:
Transaction Publishers; ISBN: 0765804875
Central to this volume are the views of Ludwig
von Mises on war and foreign policy. Mises argues that war,
along with colonialism and imperialism, is the greatest enemy
of freedom and prosperity, and that peace cannot be
achieved until major nations become limited in scope and
Baghdad or Bust! by Stephen Berry 'Such a war
will bring you no glory. It will bring you no profit but mischief,
and it will be wrong. You will make thousands of women
widows and thousands of children fatherless. It will be wrong.
You may add a new province to your empire. It will still be
Great Britons - John Cooper
Paperback 171 pages (21 October, 2002) Publisher:
National Portrait Gallery; ISBN: 1855145073.
The Great Britons Series. Old Hickory
From Marx to Mises - David Ramsay Steele,
Paperback 380 pages (December 1992) Publisher:
Open Court Publishing Company; ISBN:
Posing the Problem: The Impossibility of
Economic Calculation under Socialism by David Ramsay
Business the Bill Gates Way: 10 Secrets of
the World's Richest Business Leader (Big
Shots) - Des Dearlove Paperback 192 pages (26
February, 2002) Publisher: Capstone Publishing
Limited; ISBN: 1841121487
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Hanging, Drawing and Quartering – American Style:The Brutal Dissection of Microsoft By:
Kevin McFarlane www.la-articles.org.uk
Say's Law and the Keynesian Revolution:
How Macroeconomic Theory Lost Its Way -
Steven Kates
Say's Law Revived Bob Layson
Better Off Out? Brian Hindley, Martin Howe
Paperback 129 pages (14 September, 2001)
Publisher: Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA);
ISBN: 0255365020

The Reluctant European by Stephen Berry
The Changing Fortunes of Economic
Liberalism David Henderson Paperback Paperback
96 pages (24 August, 2001) Publisher: Institute of
Economic Affairs (IEA); ISBN: 0255365209
Thatcherism is Dead. Long Live Thatcherism!
- Stephen Berry www.la-articles.org.uk
An Enemy of the State: The Life of Murray
N. Rothbard Justin Raimondo Hardcover 360 pages
(1 July, 2000) Publisher: Prometheus Books; ISBN:
The Anatomy of the State By Murray N.
Rothbard www.la-articles.org.uk
Ending the War on Drugs - Dirk Eldridge
Paperback 208 pages (1 September, 2000)
Publisher: Bridge Works Publishing Company; ISBN:
The Pure Joy of Heroin By: Dr Jan Lester
“Free to Choose” Milton and Rose Friedman - The Friedmans explore the relationship between economics and freedom.
See Monetarism on the Free Life Subject index
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