The CEO of the Sofa P.J. O'Rourke Paperback 320 pages (20 September, 2002) Publisher: Picador; ISBN: 0330491431 Another perspicacious look at the byzantine nature of the secrets of business success, with hilarious close-ups of some of O'Rourke's favourilte subjects. This confirms his unassailable position as 'America's greatest prose comedian' (Sunday Times) Bestselling humorist O'Rourke introduces readers to his assistant, friends, family and smart-aleck babysitter, as he reflects on such topics as cell phones, Christmas catalogues, Instant Messaging, toddlers, TV and how the "Gettysburg Address" would have turned out if written on an iMac. He reviews Hillary Clinton, and he observes youth culture, including current celebs, Britney, Moby and Eminem. This is a witty wide-angled world view, from O'Rourke's own living room.
www.amazon.co.uk Eat the Rich P.J. O'Rourke Paperback 272 pages (11 June, 1999) Publisher: Picador; ISBN: 0330353284
www.amazon.co.uk Parliament of Whores: A Lone Humorist Attempts to Explain the Entire US Government P.J. O'Rourke Paperback 256 pages (11 September, 1992) Publisher: Picador; ISBN: 0330323695
GESUNDHEIT DUMMY! (P) By Rex May JoNa Books, 2000 Readers of Liberty magazine and National Review have been seeing Baloo's cartoons for years, but those unfamiliar with his work have a delightful opportunity to discover why Liberty bills Baloo as "the best cartoonist in the world." Baloo's cartoons are visual one-liners, combining witty observations about life, politics, and bureaucratic imbecility with an expressive yet deceptively simple drawing style.
www.lfb.com USA
THE PSYCHOLOGY OF SELF ESTEEM A Revolutionary Approach to Self-Understanding That Launched a New Era in Modern Psychology by Nathaniel Branden Jossey-Bass, 2001, paperback
USA www.lfb.com
THREE MINUTE THERAPY Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life by David Ramsay Steele & Michael Edelstein Foreword by Albert Ellis Bantam Books, 1997, hardcover A quick, rational method to help yourself feel better
USA www.lfb.com
BREAKING THE PATTERN By Charles Platkin Red Mill Press, 2002, hardcover How successful people handle failures Your most frustrating disappointments may often be the result of behavior patterns, the author explains. These patterns affect your eating habits, your choice of romantic partners, you career decisions and your way of handling money. What to do?
USA www.lfb.com
Free Life Volume 1. No .1 Winter
Free download - Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader. This is
available for free at www.adobe.com and on many free CDs.
What we want is a Government
so small that it doesn't matter
where it is, what it does, who's in
it, or how they got there.
The case for nuclear energy David
Ramsay Steele
Law shops Graham Smith
Deregulating the oldest profession
Su Cunnington
No computer science without
striptease David Ramsay Steele
In praise of prejudice Bernard Adamczewski
National Front: Right or Left? Judy Englander
A Libertarian between the lines? Graham Smith
The complete collection in html and
pdf format ... The Libertarian Alliance has decided to create a
web archive containing issues of its magazine FREE LIFE which
made its appearance in the late 1970s. Over the years, FREE
LIFE contained a large number of articles on Libertarianism
which were both entertaining and instructive.
Subject Index ...
Full list ...
Articles: We are the Official bookshop of the
Libertarian Alliance. The Website of the Libertarian
Alliance. - You will find more articles such as the one below
on the site ...
The Political Compass & Why
Libertarianism is not Right Wing
by J C Lester:-
The political distinction between left and right
remains ideologically muddled. This was not
always so, but a return to the pristine usage is
impractical. Putting a theory of social liberty to one side, this
essay defends the interpretation of left-wing as
personal-choice and right-wing as property-choice. This
allows an axis that is north/choice (or state-free) and
south/control (or state-ruled). This Political Compass clarifies
matters without being tendentious or too complicated. It
shows that what is called ‘libertarianism’ is north-wing. A
quiz gives the reader’s Political Compass reading.
Read Online
LA-16.pdf Free download - Requires Adobe Acrobat
Reader. This is available for free at www.adobe.com and on
many free CDs.
Welcome to The Alternative Bookshop ... The Official bookshop of the Libertarian Alliance. Which specialises in, but does not limit itself to, books on Liberty and Freedom ... Book reviews, links, bestsellers, rareties, second-hand, best price on books, find rare books.' ...

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