The Skeptical Environmentalist - Bjorn
Lomborg Paperback 540 pages (30 August, 2001)
Publisher: Cambridge University Press; ISBN:
0521010683. The Skeptical Environmentalist
challenges widely held beliefs that the environmental situation
is getting worse and worse. The author, himself a former
member of Greenpeace, is critical of the way in which many
environmental organisations make selective and misleading
use of the scientific evidence.
Free Market Environmentalism - Revised Edition By
Terry L. Anderson & Donald R. Leal St. Martin's Press,
The Great Breakthrough And Its Cause -
Julian L. Simon Edited by Timur Kuran University of
Michigan Press, 2001 In previous books, the late
Julian Simon defied population doomsters to
demonstrate that the more people there are, the larger a
market, and the greater the potential for prosperity. Here he
takes this idea one intriguing step further: population increases
were essential for the flourishing of civilization itself. www.lfb.com USA
Hoodwinking the Nation - Julian L. Simon
Hardcover 144 pages (February 2000) Publisher:
Transaction Publishers; ISBN: 1560004347 An
exploration of how and why false bad news is
produced, stating that government reports are often the basis
for environmental news scams and doomsday analyses. It
examines the intellectual basis of concepts that lead to scares,
and considers whether institutional structures could be
The Ultimate Resource 2 Julian L. Simon Paperback
780 pages (1 August, 1998) Publisher: Princeton University
Press; ISBN: 0691003815 Arguing that the ultimate resource
is the human spirit, Julian Simon has led a vigorous challenge
to conventional beliefs about scarcity of energy and natural
resources, pollution of the environment, the effects of
immigration, and the "perils of overpopulation". This new
volume is updated and provides theory for the observed
trends: population growth and increased income put pressure
on supplies of resources.
It's Getting Better All the Time: 100 Greatest Trends
of the 20th Century Stephen Moore, Julian Lincoln Simon
Paperback 294 pages (1 December, 2000) Publisher: Cato
Institute; ISBN: 1882577973
A Life Against the Grain: The Autobiography of an
Unconventional Economist Julian L. Simon The
autobiography of economist Julian L. Simon, who believed
that human intellect and ingenuity are ever-renewable
resources in the use and preservation of natural resources. It
takes the reader through his childhood, his career, his
research methods and the crucial periods in his life.
The State of Humanity Julian Simon Paperback
704 pages (1 January, 1996) Publisher: Blackwell
Publishers; ISBN: 155786585X
“Power Production. What are the Risks?” J.H. Fremlin -
This book looks at the dangers to the public associated with every method of power production. Fremlin, formerly Professor of Applied Radioactivity at the University of Birmingham, puts forwards the case that to drop nuclear power would be a sad mistake for the UK. |
“The Health Hazards of NOT Going Nuclear” Petr Beckmann -
Puts forward the case that Nuclear Power is the safest form of energy production |
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