
This page Free Life Volume 4-7
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NEW: Subject Index of Free Life
Free Life Vol.4 No. 1
Would you share a nuclear umbrella with this man?
Secret Ballots Editorial
Murder; Child & Animal Abuse J. C. Lester
The Reagan Phenomenon Murray N. Rothbard
Is the State a tool of Capitalists? Jane Thornton
A German over Britain Dominic Freely
Further reading:
Free Life Vol.4 No. 2
Pinkon Thomas - after seven years on heroin NOW WBC
Heavyweight Champion
Scargill's Insurrection or MacGregor's Butchery? Editorial
In search of feasable Socialism David Ramsay Steele
The Pure Joy of Heroin J C Lester
The Russian Bogey Stephen Berry
Is the State Based on Mere Dogma? David McDonagh
Further reading:
A wonderful book that makes it quite clear that despite the moves Lenin made in What Is To Be Done (1903) when he effectively dumped the materialist conception of history, in Imperialism (1914) when he put nations ahead of class analysis and in State and Revolution (1917) where he embraced socialism as something way less than full communism, the Bolsheviks were nevertheless utterly influenced by Marxism.
Vol 4. No. 2. "Scargill's Insurrection or MacGregor's Butchery?"

In 1974 Heath, never an adroit political operator, went to the country with a bogus issue of
"Who governs?". The country was not fooled and decided that it was not Heath who should
govern, Although the miners broke no laws by striking in 1974 and Heath was foolish enough
to pick a fight with them at a time of rocketing oil prices, the myth arose that the miners
"overthrew" the Tory government. The miners were in fact only responsible for the fall of the
Heath government in the sense that I would be responsible for Heath's suicide if I opened the
flat window, invited Heath to jump out and he duly obliged.

Free Life Vol.4 No. 3
Ulster: Troops Out Market In
 Computer Fraud + Seven Sins of the US LP Editorial & John
Hylozoism Rules China - OK? Brian Van Der Linde
Reply to Vand der Linde David Ramsay Steele
News from Somewhere Miles Kelly
The Ulster Nation: Troops out Market In J C Lester & David
Book Reviews Viennese Heritage by Stephen Berry and a Past
Master of Economics by David McDonagh
Further reading:
Puts the case that the Ulster Protestants are a nation distinct from the Catholic South.
Free Life Vol.4 No. 4
Multiply and be Fruitful - The more people there are the easier it is to feed them.
 Just One Cheer for Democracy Editorial
Tape Levy? John Carr
The Utility of Liberty "Not a Libertarian"
News from Somewhere Miles Kelly
Multiply and be Fruitful Ray Percival
Libertarianism Without Morals David Ramsay Steele
Further reading:
Free Life Vol.5 No. 1
Ayn Rand - All Passion Spent?
The Housing Crisis Editorial
Not "Everyone's Problem" J. C. Lester
File Away Bandung Stephen Berry
Is Utopia Inevitable? Martin Tyrrell
Interview with George Rosie on Terrorisml Free Life
Some reflections on "Liberty Reclaimed" Patrick M O'Neil
The Queen Of Spleen David Ramsay Steele
Further reading:
“A brilliant, scholarly, and comprehensive critique of the Ayn Rand cult – everything you ever wanted to know about Rand and her fanatical devotees.” Albert Ellis.
Vol 5 No.1 File Away Bandung

The Romans gave their crowds bread and circuses: Sukarno fed them with words. Tired of
party government, he devised and implemented Demokrasi Terpimpim which meant 'guided
democracy' (guided by Sukarno of course). Sometimes he lapsed into sentences. "President
Sukarno has called on Citizen Sukarno to form a government", was a typical conceit.
Eventually Sukarno ran out of words, organised a putsch from power (this, a bizarre and
essentially Sukarnoesque twist) and had to watch his supporters being massacred in a
counter-putsch from the army.
Vol 5 No 2, On her Majesty's Private Secret Service
The image of the British secret service agent which the British government would like to
propagate is well exemplified by Ian Fleming's James Bond. Bond is portrayed as an
accomplished womaniser, able to discourse knowledgeably on the finest wines whilst
nonchalantly dealing hammer blows to the machinations of World Communism. Gradually, this
picture is being replaced with one more in accord with reality. The typical British agent is in
fact, a rampant homosexual, does not talk too much about drink, preferring instead to
consume vast quantities of it and, when he finally gets around to doing some work, deals
hammer blows on behalf of the Soviet State.

Free Life Vol.5 No. 2
Leaders on Leashes - How important are Elections?
Socialism is Dead - Statism is Sick Editorial
Trade Wars Editorial
News from Somewhere Stuart Blade
The Market for Justice J. C. Lester
On her Majesty's Private Secret Service Stephen Berry
Sanctions Shore up Apartheid Martin Tyrell
Article 7 was part II of "The Queen of Spleen" (see Vol 5-1)
Further reading:
A study of the economic origins and consequences of racial segregation in South Africa.
Vol 5 No 3, Glib Glossary
Profession: A lucrative state-backed racket whereby the public is denied competition
among some group of suppliers and oftenforced to pay their wages.

Drug abuser: Someone who makes bigoted gibes about drugs other than the ones they
"Madman": Someone a dogmatist does not understand, does not want to understand, and
does not want anyone else to understand.

Free Life Vol.5 No. 3
Is Socialism The Solution for South Africa?
Carry on Up the Gulf - Editorial
Glib GLossary J. C. Lester
Smash The Lems Professor Anthony Flew
Ulster - a different view David Ramsay Steele
Ulster - Cut the apron Strings J. C. Lester
Viewpoint Letters
Rousseau R. J. Layson
Will the Solution Solve the Problem Miles Kelly
Further reading:
Read this book to find out why so many socialists and other liberal-minded men in the countries of Western Europe, and indeed elsewhere, lent their support to communist activities all over the world.
Vol 5 No 4, They keep the Rat Flag Flying
Having looked at the sources, let us now do some theory: Can extinction of a species
cause us major trouble? If a species has only a few members its influence must be rather
limited. If a relevant one should start diminishing we would notice that at once and there
would he no danger. Besides, the talk of complete interdependence of species is an extreme
exaggeration. Except for oxygen-carbon-dioxide balance wind-pollinated plants do not need
animals at all, so they could survive regardless of which other species exist, as long as at
least one of them is an animal. Insect-pollinated plants need at least one insect species in
addition and the totally unendangered bee will do for all plants we use. Very few animals
absolutely need one particular plant. True enough the koala bear could not live without
eucalyptus trees, but that tree is not exactly uncommon and our more conventional cows are
so valuable precisely because they can live on the most simple stuff and a pig can eat
anything at all. In general most herbivorous animals could utilise a wide selection of plants
and if they have access to perhaps 10 types of plant species, they will not suffer.

Free Life Vol.5 No. 4
Sun Power No Thanks - A Spectre is Haunting Europe -
The Spectre of Environmentalism
No Parking- Editorial
Lester on Ulster David Ramsay Steele
The Constitution as Counter-Revolution Jeffrey Rogers
No Alternative Anne Marie Jansen
Towns & Cities - One Man's Plans for Planning Nick Elliot
They keep the Rat Flag Flying Peter Jansen
Vol 6 No 1, Diary of a Political Nobody
Donoughue is at some pains to stress how talented were the people in and around the
Labour government. "In terms of ability and experience the Cabinet appointed by Mr Wilson in
February 1974 was perhaps the most impressive in Britain this century." (p.48) It is possible
to question this assertion. It was Jim Callaghan who said in 1966 that he would resign as
Chancellor if the pound were to be devalued. He did not realise that it was not a matter for
shame if the pound should fluctuate against other currencies. It was Roy Jenkins in the 1960s
who restricted shotguns after the shooting of three policemen. Nothing much wrong with that
you might say. Nothing, except that the policemen were shot with pistols.

Free Life Vol.6 No. 1
US Government Property Swearing Allegiance
"Welfare Rights" versus Real Welfare Editorial
Down with the Middle-Class Loo Peter Jansen
Diary of a Political Nobody Stephen Berry
Reply to Le Cocq J. C. Lester
Those Who Share With Thieves Anne M. Jansen
Further reading:
“The welfare state has caused tens of thousands to live deprived and even depraved lives, and has undermined decency and kindness which first inspired it.”
How has business been represented in English Literature? In this volume, five authors have produced original surveys of how business has been portrayed by novelists, staring in the 18th century and continuing to the end of the 20th.
Vol 6 No 2, The Market is Here to Stay
A factory operating at a loss may not look very different from a factory covering its costs.
The factory operating at a loss may be technically excellent, everyone may work skilfully and
hard, and useful goods may be coming out of the factory gates and going to grateful
customers. But resources that could have been used elsewhere are coming in through the
factory gates and are either being used up or, at least, temporarily withheld from other uses.
Is it too much to expect Buick and Crump to be able to see that some kind of relation must be
maintained between the resources going into the factory and the products coming out? And
that the resources going in are mainly the outputs of other factories? And that this is a
problem intrinsically independent of the existence of money?
Free Life Vol.6 No. 2
Free Speech - Is Rushdie for it?
The Market for free speech Editorial
News from somewhere Stuart Blade
Astrofraud Bjorn Wiklund
Death by Compassion Anne M. Jansen
More Crime and Discipline Jon LeCocq
Review: The Market is Here to Stay David Ramsay Steele
Further reading:
Vol 6 No 3, Free Trade in Body Parts
Many people are suffering and some people are dying due to lack of human body-parts for
transplants. Free trade is a completely voluntary solution that would bring an abundance of
body-parts making suffering and death due to the lack of them virtually unknown. It would
also release for other purposes the money spent on such expensive items as renal-dialysis
machines. This must all seem a good thing to anyone who is not a complete misanthrope.
Free Life Vol.6 No. 3
Not Wanted - No Reward
Capitalist Revolution Editorial
The Right to say "Sod off" J. C. Lester
Politics as Cold War David McDonagh
Myth of the Freemarket Conservative Matthew O'Keeffe
Hiccups in the Progress of the Liberal idea David McDonagh
A Non-Libertarian Individualists's Critique John Lyth
An Individual Libertarian's Reply David Ramsay Steele
Misreadings of Marx David Ramsay Steele
Free Trade in Body Parts J. C. Lester
Further reading:
“…a magnificent assertion of the reality of human freedom…” The Economist
Vol 6 No 4, The Logic Chopper Replies (The Final Word)
I wasn't commenting on Buick's innermost psyche or on his political record, but on what he
says in this particular book. But if I may be allowed to conjecture his motives, I suppose his
bias in favour of state capitalism arises from three sources: 1. He underrates the socially
beneficial role of market adjustments, and therefore tends to mininize the harmful
consequences of suppressing them; 2. His political outlook makes him want to minimize the
differences between different forms of 'capitalism', since if these differences are in fact
enormous, it becomes indefensible to refuse (as Buick does) to support the move from one
form to another; 3. His adherence to the doctrine of historical materialism makes it awkward
for him to acknowledge that a vast revolutionary cataclysm like Bolshevism can be a disaster
and retrogression, resulting from fallacious ideas.
Free Life Vol.6 No. 4
The Nowhere Man
 The Real End of History Editorial
Photo Finish Editorial
Can Politics Improve Wages? David McDonagh
The Inadequacy of Wolff's Authority-Autonomy Antinomy
Patrick M. O'Neil
Reply - Another Argument for Anarchy David McDonagh
The Market for Hitler Stephen Berry
Why the Market is not Inevitable Adam Buick
The Logic Chopper Replies (the final word) David Ramsay
Further reading:
A full and amusing account of the attempt to sell ‘Hitler’s diaries’.
Vol 7 No 1, The Right to Discriminate
It is a fact that some people hate others just on grounds of race or sex. The reasons for
this phenomenon may not be simple or uniform, but some have held their hatred so dear that
it has led them to suicide. Otto Weininger wrote that 'no men who think really deeply about
women retain a high opinion of them; men either despise women or they have never thought
seriously about them.' At 24 he resigned from life on that note, as it was surely his right to do.
In Misogynies (1990) Joan Smith assumes that hating women is, somehow, immoral in itself.
Well, that's a possible view, but it is no more liberal than Weininger's or its opposite, that
women are marvellous. This is the opinion that most men hold, contrary to what Joan Smith
attempts to show in her book. The liberal moral is for the most extensive tolerance for both
extremes, as long as that is compatible with not harming others.

Free Life Vol.7 No.1
Major Versus Minors
How to dethrone King Cole Editorial
The Right to Discriminate David McDonagh
The failure of Fusionism Patrick M. O'Neil
David through the Looking Glass Nicholas Dykes
Retroactivity and Justice in Law Patrick M. O'Neil
Further reading:
“The New Left: The Anti-Industrial Revolution” Ayn Rand - “ Reason and Morality are the only weapons that determine the course of history. The collectivists dropped them because they had no right to carry them. Pick them up: You have” Ayn Rand
“The Virtue of Selfishness” Ayn Rand - Rand sets forth the moral principles of objectivism.
© Libertarian Alliance 2010

Articles will
not reflect a
'party line'. We
hope that
of the
philosophy will
fill these
pages, and
that there will
be a lively

The Alternative
Which specialises
in, but does not
limit itself to,
books on Liberty
and Freedom ...
Book reviews,
links, bestsellers,
best price on
books, find rare

Laissez Faire
The World's
Selection of
Books on Liberty
Vol 4. No. 1.
"The Reagan

But Reagan is
even more
curious a
For he has the
capacity, not just
to continue the
old rhetoric, but
to levitate above
the action, to act
as if he is not
sitting in the
Oval Office at all,
but is somehow
still out there
giving his little
homilies, using
his 3x5 cards
with all the fake
little anecdotes
that he has
collected from
sources over the
decades. And
somehow he is
able to convince
the public that he
is not really in
the White House,
doing monstrous
things as Head
Honcho of the
most powerful
State apparatus
in the world; but
that he is still
outside the
State, a private
citizen inveighing
and leading a
crusade against
Big Government
Vol 4 No.3
News from
-Eat the Sheep
Now - Save the
Whales for

What's the best
way of protecting
an endangered
species? - put
them on a menu.
This is the
solution devised
by the Rare
Breeds Survival
Trust for the
Ronaldsway (in
the Orkneys)
sheep (Times
21.9.85). The
sheep were in
some danger of
extinction until a
number of them
were baked into
pies for
members of the
Scottish Gourmet
They went like
hot cakes. Now
this rare breed is
in demand, and
the sheep have a
good chance of
remaining an
integral breed:
Survival of the

Vol 4 No.4
without Morals

assertions of this
sort: "A
bullet-proof vest
may protect a
person against
being shot, but a
natural right has
never stopped a
single slug." But
this is false.
of social rules
has indeed
stopped millions
of slugs, and
enforced social
rules emanate
partly from ideas
of justice held by
people, ideas
which have
included natural
rights. Maybe
Rollins would
reply that rights
have no effect
unless people act
on them, but see
how empty his
claim then
becomes. It's
analogous to:
'No law of
mechanics ever
built a single
machine.' This
counters only
those deep
thinkers who
believe that
natural rights
operate even if
no one knows
about them.
Konkin seems to
argue for this
fatuous position.